Data Preparation

First, log into your account at with the user name and password provided. As show in Table 1, you will find four folders in your home directory.

Table 1. Folders in the home directory

Folder name



Downloaded public data


Processed files


R scripts and output PDF files



Things you need to know before using the ALPS server:

  1. Users must submit your jobs to LSF via the bsub command. The escape character (or backslash \) was added before special character to make the command compatible.

  2. The allowable space for each account is 1GB.

Things you need to know if you are performing this tutorial on your own computer/server:

  1. Most of the commands are written for batch job submission to the LSF system. You will need to modify the commands if you are not using LSF.

  2. You may create the folders as listed in Table 1 in your home directory, or other locations and remember to change the file paths in commands.

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