DNA Methylation at Genomic Bins

For each one of the 500 bins, we use the intersectBed program of the bedtools utilities to compare the bins.bed file and meth.bedGraph files base-by-base. The output is piped into groupBy to calculate the number of features being joined (in this case is the methylation values at CpG) and the average methylation level for each bin (i.e. -c 7,7 -o count,mean). Lastly, awk was used to print the methylation levels in four decimal places.

# Console output

# intersectBed
chr1    0       494500  chr1    468     469     0
chr1    0       494500  chr1    470     471     0.666667
chr1    0       494500  chr1    483     484     0.5
chr1    0       494500  chr1    488     489     1
chr1    0       494500  chr1    492     493     0.857143

# groupBy
chr1    0       494500  3973    0.051545
chr1    494500  989000  11539   0.29057
chr1    989000  1483500 19948   0.28879
chr1    1483500 1978000 16014   0.4603
chr1    1978000 2472500 17089   0.47023

# awk
chr1    0       494500  3973    0.0515
chr1    494500  989000  11539   0.2906
chr1    989000  1483500 19948   0.2888
chr1    1483500 1978000 16014   0.4603
chr1    1978000 2472500 17089   0.4702
cd ~/

bsub -q 16G -o stdout -e stderr "intersectBed -a Data/hg18.500bins.bed.gz -b /work3/NRPB1219/hg18_h1_meth.bedGraph -wa -wb | groupBy -i - -g 1-3 -c 7,7 -o count,mean | awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN { OFS=FS } { print \$1,\$2,\$3,\$4,sprintf(\"%.4f\",\$5) }' > Output/hg18.500bins.h1.meth"

bsub -q 16G -o stdout -e stderr "intersectBed -a Data/hg18.500bins.bed.gz -b /work3/NRPB1219/hg18_imr90_meth.bedGraph -wa -wb | groupBy -i - -g 1-3 -c 7,7 -o count,mean | awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN { OFS=FS } { print \$1,\$2,\$3,\$4,sprintf(\"%.4f\",\$5) }' > Output/hg18.500bins.imr90.meth"

Use bjobs to check the all jobs have completed and ls to check the files was in the "Output" folder.

ls -la ~/Output/hg18.500bins.*.meth

# Console output

-rw------- 1 s00yao00 s00yao00 737091 2014-12-20 16:26 /home/s00yao00/Output/hg18.500bins.h1.meth
-rw------- 1 s00yao00 s00yao00 737091 2014-12-20 16:26 /home/s00yao00/Output/hg18.500bins.imr90.meth

Last updated