Extracting DE transcripts and generating heatmaps (Trinity)
The Trinity package includes scripts that facilitate the extracting of differentially expressed (DE) transcripts (by FDR and/or log2 fold change) and generating heatmaps and plots for visualization.
Below command will extract DE transcripts that are at least 4-fold DE at a significance of <= 0.001 in any of the pairwise sample comparisons.
Locate Analysis/DifferentialExpression/analyze_diff_expr.pl
in the trinityrnaseq-2.2.0 distribution, and run
location of the matrix.normalized.FPKM file
p-value cutoff for FDR (default: 0.001)
min abs(log2 fold change) (default: 2, i.e. meaning 2^(2) or 4-fold).
prefix for output file prefix for output file (default: diffExpr.P${Pvalue}_C${C}
ls -la diffExpr.*
The R script diffExpr.P1e-3_C2.matrix.R
is generated to include all the R commands used.
We use head
to examine the first 10 lines of the file containing the DE transcripts at the specified thresholds
head diffExpr.P1e-3_C2.matrix
Use WinSCP to download the PDF file and view it on your PC or laptop.
The diffExpr.P1e-3_C2.matrix.log2.centered.genes_vs_samples_heatmap.pdf
shows the clustering result of transcripts along the vertical axis and samples along the horizontal axis.
The diffExpr.P1e-3_C2.matrix.log2.sample_cor_matrix.pdf
shows the pairwise sample correlation matrix.
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